The Dark Side of Hollywood’s Cutie: Anne Hathaway’s Shocking Scandals

Anne Hathaway’s hidden side revealed! Discover the shocking scandals behind Hollywood’s sweetheart that few fans know about. 😮✨

The actress’s biography includes an affair with a swindler, as well as numerous scandals related to her behavior. So why did the smiling movie star become one of the most hated actresses in Hollywood?

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Anne Hathaway returns to The Princess Diaries 20 years later. But the actress herself, who is already in her fifties, cannot boast of an impeccable reputation.

And although the star has many serious projects behind her, both theater and television, which brought her Emmy, BAFTA, Golden Globe and Oscar awards, in real life she is famous for her status as one of the most repulsive Hollywood actresses and has a very nasty and far from fabulous character.

Hathaway’s affair with a con man

Early in her career, Anne Hathaway was in a relationship for about four years with Italian businessman Raffaello Follieri, who was implicated in a case of embezzlement of $50 million donated by billionaire Ronald Burkle to support Catholic churches.

Unsuspectingly, Anne moved into the famous Trump Tower to live with her lover. At 21, she saw an opportunity for a happy and luxurious life. The couple traveled on private jets and yachts, staying in the most fashionable hotels.

But the actress could not understand the source of her partner’s wealth, who soon began to deceive her and disappear. The fairy tale collapsed when the police arrived at their luxurious apartment. Then she learned that her chosen one was a fraud.

It turned out that the Hollywood star was one of the co-founders of the man’s charitable foundations. Anne’s personal diaries were confiscated and presented as evidence of her innocence in court. When it was confirmed that the girl knew nothing about the businessman’s machinations, she was not charged.

Many netizens were surprised that she had not understood the man’s true nature in four years. They suggested that perhaps the ideal life he had given her had clouded her mind. At the same time, the actress was also criticized for the fact that as soon as her beloved was convicted, all her feelings for him instantly disappeared.

The Many Faces of Hathaway

As Anne Hathaway’s popularity grew, so did the hostility towards the actress herself. Many colleagues, journalists and just viewers speak very unkindly about the star. In Hollywood, the term “Hathahate” even appeared – a combination of Hathaway’s last name and the word “hate”.

Hathaway’s co-stars have repeatedly accused her of pretense and arrogance.

“Her ostentation is evident everywhere she participates. She constantly adapts to the situation. Whether it’s filming a show or a strict Oscar ceremony!” – actor Richard Lawson once said in an interview.

He also added that the celebrity is constantly playing, and her favorite trait is hypertrophied humility and kindness. And she herself embodies the collective image of everything bad that can be in such a model of behavior.

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Some believe that Hathaway exhibits traits of a smug and boastful personality. Thus, the writer Sarah-Nicole Prickett noted in one of her articles that this is just one side of Anne, who acts like a princess, but inside of whom there is nothing real.

In addition, journalists who were “lucky” enough to communicate with Hathaway noted that the actress and the celebrity are completely different personalities.

And the most unpleasant thing about working with her was the discrepancy between Anne in interviews and the way she is seen in films. It turned out that she never shows her true feelings.

So, some time ago the Hollywood star had to apologize to Norwegian journalist Kjersti Flaa for an unpleasant interview in 2012. During the conversation, the actress was clearly in a bad mood, felt irritated, and answered even the most basic questions abruptly and sharply.

After Flaa shared a clip of the conversation on YouTube, calling it “the ultimate perversion” and suggesting that Hathaway hated her, the actress was forced to respond to the video by sending a private message of apology. She also detailed what was going on in her life at the time and expressed regret for her behavior during the interview. Flaa did not share the details of the letter, deeming it too personal.

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But Internet users again did not believe in Hathaway’s sincerity, calling it a game and PR. And they advised either to refuse the interview or to behave normally.

Hathaway’s Oscar Controversies

Hathaway faced her first wave of Oscar hate in 2011, when she co-hosted the ceremony with James Franco. Audiences immediately labeled the actors the worst Oscar hosts.

And if Franco was criticized for his sluggish and silly behavior, Hathaway got much more. Viewers condemned the celebrity for rattling off lines like a good student, overacting and trying to put on a show at all costs.

Even the actress’s co-host couldn’t remain silent in this situation and stated that it was simply impossible to look different against Hathaway’s background.

“I love her, but she’s so energetic that she would make a Tasmanian devil look like a statue,” James Franco said on one of the shows.

Two years later, Hathaway was again criticized at the Oscars. Her behavior at the ceremony was deemed arrogant, her smile was insincere, her dress was indecent, and her performance in Les Miserables, for which she won the award, was false.

It was then that the actress realized that she was irritating absolutely everyone. In her defense, she said that due to nervousness, she said something completely different on stage than she had planned, and also forgot to thank her manager, who was battling cancer and with whom she had worked for 15 years.

“The thing is, I started speaking at the moment when others were still going up on stage. It was impolite on my part – I should have given my colleagues the opportunity to speak first. Perhaps it looked unethical,” the actress explained.

After some time, the celebrity admitted that many directors refused to give her roles because she was considered too toxic on the Internet. And only support from Christopher Nolan and her work in Interstellar helped save her career.

Hathaway’s on-set tantrums

After the storm of criticism around Hathaway died down, she began filming new projects. That’s when information emerged about her star-like whims toward the staff on the set.

Thus, during the filming of a commercial in Japan, the movie star asked four times to replace her breakfast, which did not meet her requirements.

In Anne’s opinion, she didn’t ask for anything complicated: just a poached egg, a muffin and an avocado.

The first time, the egg was undercooked. The next time, the muffin was cold (it got cold while the cook was re-cooking the egg). The third time, the egg was cold while the muffin was being heated up. And finally, the fourth time, everything was done perfectly, but the actress had already changed her mind and decided that she preferred scrambled eggs.

It is known that such whims are not the first for the celebrity. Several years ago, the star of the film “The Devil Wears Prada” asked to cook a dish that was not on the menu. The order was urgently sent to the nearest restaurant. But as soon as the dish was delivered, Hathaway flatly refused to eat it, arguing that she had been waiting for it for too long.

Hathaway’s refusal to communicate with fans

In 2022, after the Valentino show in Rome, Anne Hathaway showed irritation towards her fans.

“I can’t take a photo with all of you. But if you want, I can stand here and wave to you for a memorable photo. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to sign autographs. There are too many of you. I’m so sorry, but I want you to have some kind of memory. So if you want, I’ll just wave a little bit. Thank you for understanding,” the actress said then.

However, social media users found her response to be both rude and falsely polite, leaving a slew of negative comments under the actress’s posts and calling for her boycott.

Anne Hathaway to star in third installment of The Princess Diaries

Hathaway’s behavior is probably a consequence of her early and head-turning popularity when she starred in the first “Princess Diaries.” Perhaps a return to the role of Mia Thermopolis will put an end to the star’s whims and scandals.

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