You should always encourage your children’s innate abilities. And wonderful things will occur if you take care of them. That’s what the parents of 9-year-old Joe Whale believed when they urged their son to continue drawing despite the fact that he was disciplined for sketching in class.

Joe’s artistic ability were immediately recognized by others around him after they sent him to an after-school art program. Joe was actually asked to design the dining area of the Shrewsbury, England-based restaurant “Number 4.” Joe is now referred to as The Doodle Boy and showcases his amazing artwork on social media and his own website. To read Bored Panda’s interview with Gregory, Joe’s father, scroll down!
Joe Whale is nine years old and enjoys drawing, but he got in trouble for sketching in class.

He has drawings all over his notebooks.

Bored Panda discussed Joe’s artistic abilities with Greg, Joe’s father. Greg claims that his son “was added to the Gifted register in primary school aged 4” and that he has “always” loved drawing.
Joe’s parents enrolled him in a sketching class after school. His art was shared on Instagram by his teacher, who praised it.

The employees of the “Number 4” eatery spotted the 9-year-old’s drawings right away.

Greg also disclosed how long it took Joe to complete the sketches he did on the restaurant’s dining room walls. “Joe drew the wall for about twelve hours.”
Additionally, Greg offered some guidance to parents who wish to support their children in pursuing their talents: “I would advise parents to encourage their children to always follow their passion and dreams — research local workshops or groups within your local community.”
They asked him to adorn the dining area of the eatery.
After school, Joe is driven by his father to the restaurant.

Some parents have a tendency to discipline their children when they are in problems at school. Others, on the other hand, are able to spot a talent that requires an environment that encourages creativity and provide it.
Joe has been granted creative freedom, which many artists would adore.

After noticing Joe’s talent, his teacher shared his creations on Instagram. After noticing his drawings, the “Number 4” restaurant invited him to visit and use his doodles to adorn their walls. In order to extract his heart, his father now takes him there. Who knew that Joe would land his first job at the age of nine by attracting an after-school program?

Greg, Joe’s father, told the reporters, “We were thrilled when they asked Joe to finish an artwork on their restaurant’s wall in the main dining area.” “I asked Joe, and he jumped at the chance to do it, so we’ve been going there after school where he’ll paint their wall for a couple of hours every night.”
Joe now goes by The Doodle Boy and maintains social media accounts and a website of his own.

It is inspiring how much creativity went into the illustrations.

The fact that a fully autonomous company has asked our 9-year-old kid to create a professional piece of work for them is amazing, he added. Joe loves doodling, and we’re so happy of all he’s accomplishing.
Joe is pursuing a career as a professional artist.

It’s crucial to support your children’s abilities, aspirations, goals, dreams, and wants, according to Self-Sufficient Kids. even if their strengths don’t align with your ideal for their future.
Joe’s family is very encouraging.

Additionally, parents must learn to distinguish between their child’s lack of interest in an activity and when they find it too difficult and require support and encouragement.
When people saw Joe’s story, they said these things.