Litter Of Newborn Kittens Found Abandoned and Crying In Trash Can!

How anybody could abandon a litter of newborn kittens is beyond me, thankfully there are many people that will go above and beyond the call of duty to help animals in need. 

One of those people is Jess Thoren. She is a kitten foster mom and one day she was called upon to care for a litter of newborn kittens that had been dumped in a trash can in a park.

It was going to be a new experience for Jess as she had only ever looked after one kitten at a time.

Now she had four and as they were only a few days old they needed constant attention.

All was going well until she noticed that one of the kittens had a wound.

Jess was scared about what it might be so immediately took her to the vet.

He said that it didn’t look good as there could be a lot of damage, she probably wouldn’t last long so the best course of action was to euthanize her.

Jess couldn’t possibly allow that to happen as the kitten seemed so determined and strong so she took her home.

Jess decided that it would be a good idea to keep her away from her siblings so she made up a bed next to her own. That way she could keep an eye on her during the night. 

It was touch and go for a few days but then the little one (now called Pippa) began crying out for food – she had obviously improved.  

On the fourth day Jess took Pippa back to the vets and he was shocked that she was still alive. There was still a way to go but Jess felt that they were now over the worst of it.

Pippa wasn’t as big as her siblings, Panda, Pumpkin and Phoebe, but because she was eating well Jess decided it was time for her to be back amongst her brothers and sisters.

It did this tiny kitten a world of good to be back with her siblings and after three weeks it was time to go back to the vet for more surgery.

The vet was amazed at how well she was doing, in fact, he decided that more surgery was no longer necessary.

When the time came for adoption, Pippa and Panda were adopted together! This made Jess so happy.

Pippa had been on an incredible journey but had pulled through and now had a wonderful life ahead of her in her forever home with her brother.

This tiny kitten pulled through some major health difficulties, all thanks to the determination of Jess. What an amazing lady.

Watch the video to see Pippa’s progress:

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