Their sparkling snow-white cap contrasts brilliantly with a glittering red wine and deep purple body.
Meet the Snowcap Hummingbird:
The snowcap (Microchera albocoronata), is a tiny yet unmistakable hummingbird. The male is unique yet beautiful, his body the color of red wine, on his head a bright white cap.

Although not as spectacular as the male, the female is nevertheless fairly striking, with dazzling white underparts and a small straight bill.
Her upper body has a bronze-greenish tint. Juveniles appear more like females of the species.

Snowcap hummingbirds are native to Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and western Panama. They are difficult to find since they are so exclusive to their respective places.
These birds live high in the canopy, along the forest’s damp borders, and in the surrounding woodland. They use their long, straw-like tongues to collect nectar from small blooms on vines, trees, and epiphytes. They hover, licking the nectar 13 times a second. They also eat small insects and spiders. A nesting female, for example, can devour up to 2,000 insects each day.

During the breeding season, males and females can mate with up to seven individuals of the opposite gender. Following that, the female constructs a little cup-shaped nest from of plant fiber and cobwebs tied to a small twig or vine. She alone incubates the two eggs she lays for up to two weeks before feeding and caring for the young when they hatch.
This bird is thought to be on the verge of extinction, despite a population drop in Costa Rica.

Watch this cute bird in the wild in the video below:
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