Teens should treasure their prom night above all else. These young women decided to dress up because, like the rest of us, they were excited for the big day. Taken together, they became viral! It is a well-known fact that high school students in the United States normally do not reach the legal drinking age of 21, although there are other nations with lower drinking ages. It is still forbidden to bring alcohol to school events where minors may be present, even if the drinking age in the UK is 18 years old.

However, some students still find ways to get around the ban and make sure they have a few drinks before hitting the dance floor. Occasionally, though, students come up with creative ways to sneak alcohol into their classes. This picture is the ideal representation of the mischief that college students engage in. This photo shows a senior prom girl hiding a huge flask under her top. How, exactly, is the question? She essentially transformed a silver flask that was too big into her clutch purse! You would think that the silver handbag she is clutching is her only item at first, but if you look closely, you can see that it’s much more!
British student Eleanor Clarke will not allow any restriction to stand in the way of her enjoying herself with her companions. She was wearing an amazing gown and carried what appeared to be a metallic clutch purse. But soon enough, the massive flask hidden inside the clutch purse was revealed. Since she was certain she would use it to carry liquids, she didn’t bother with a proper bag. Whether or not Eleanor put alcohol in the clutch was a mystery to her, since she seemed surprised that she had managed to pull this off. She posted on X (formerly Twitter) that she was still baffled as to how she managed to use a large hip flask as her prom clutch. She said that Tiger was the reason behind her $12 flask purchase. Using a clever disguise technique, she managed to keep it completely undetected until she revealed her scheme to herself!