Don’t eat these 5 types of fish

Nowadays, when environmental pollution is always in an alarming state, the amount of mercury in water is especially high, affecting all living fish. Accordingly, people are at risk of exposure to mercury in many ways, not only inhaling mercury vapor through the mining process or working in industrial environments but also through fish in their daily menu.

Many cases of mercury exposure are due to eating fish containing mercury, which have high mercury content exceeding the allowable threshold. Over time, mercury will cause very high toxicity and seriously affect health, increase brain and liver diseases, increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, autism, depression, etc.

Which type of fish contains the most mercury?


Did you know that large catfish are raised and fed with hormones to increase their weight for the purpose of high profits. These fish are considered unclean and at risk of containing toxic mercury, so readers should consider choosing them carefully.

Unlike tilapia, ocean perch is classified by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as the fish most susceptible to mercury contamination because it lives on the seabed (80% of mercury in the upper water layer has been destroyed by sunlight).

In addition, they are omnivorous, so they are susceptible to toxins and microorganisms living in the water environment. When eating fish with high mercury content such as ocean perch, the toxins will gradually accumulate in the human body. Long-term consumption can cause mercury poisoning, damage to the oral mucosa, teeth and seriously affect the digestive tract and kidneys.


Catfish is a type of fish that Vietnam has the opportunity to export, increasing its economic value. However, when testing crystal violet and Malachite green in the United States, the results were not as expected. Even more sadly, the United States listed catfish as a type of fish that does not meet quality standards and is one of the 8 types of fish that contain the most mercury that you should know.


Mackerel is a type of fish that contains a lot of omega 3, which is very good for the development of young children and pregnant women. However, it is a type of fish that contains mercury that readers should learn about before consuming. Mackerel in the Atlantic region is considered safe for readers to choose.


Eel is a type of fish that is both easily contaminated with mercury and is considered unclean because it absorbs industrial and agricultural waste through water sources.

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