Everyone should know this!

There is a rule when taking measures to repel mice from the living environment: you must not block all escape routes for mice. If you make the mice scared and want to leave, but block their escape route. Rats will become crazy and bite even more to find a way to escape. Therefore, creating an escape route for mice is the way you can completely get rid of mice.

Here are 3 simple ways to keep your home free of mice that anyone can easily try:1.   Use Mazut Oil

You can find a bit of mazut oil at motorcycle repair shops or similar places. Mice are terrified of its strong odor. Pouring mazut oil in areas where mice frequently pass or live will scare them away. If mice come into contact with the oil, they will instinctively lick their fur to clean it off. Consuming mazut oil can cause poisoning and kill the mice.2.   Chili Powder

Chili powder is a simple but highly effective way to repel mice. If you simply scare them, they may return and become more destructive. A better approach is to completely drive them out so they won’t dare come back. Sprinkle some chili powder around the corners of your home or places mice usually visit. For larger infestations, you can make a spray solution with chili powder, water, two tablespoons of chili powder, a little vegetable oil, and some detergent. Spray it around the house to effectively repel mice.3.   Peppermint Leaves

Peppermint leaves are a natural repellent not only for mice but also for insects like cockroaches and mosquitoes. You can use peppermint leaves, peppermint oil, or peppermint-scented powder to repel mice. Growing peppermint plants around the house is also a great way to keep mice away.

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