Where Ordinary Life Meets Humor in Speed Bump Comics:

A devoted fan base has grown for “Speed Bump Comics” over the years. It is well-liked in the comic book community because of its steady ability to deliver humor that honors the everyday struggles we all face.

Humor Comics:

Coverly’s charming world of humor is glimpsed briefly in each comic strip. These comics demonstrate his deft storytelling skills in an approachable manner, with everything from imaginative wordplay and visual puns to surprising turns and surprises.

So grab a seat, relax, and enjoy these twenty funny comics by Dave Coverly that are guaranteed to make you smile!

Credit Dave Coverly:





















Humor Side Comics: Please share them with us in the comments section below. After all, we appreciate hearing from our readers. Keep returning to New Dreamy if you want more of this type of stuff. Keep an eye out for more dreams and photography.

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