Taylor Swift’s Christian-degrading music video returns:

The media has made a concerted effort to promote Taylor Swift, the pop diva who is adored by young women all over the world. They have taken advantage of what appears to be every chance to keep readers and viewers up to speed on what Swift and her new boyfriend, NFL player Travis Kelce, are doing at the time.

However, despite the fact that Swift is adored by a large number of young women, including those who are conservative, a video of her insulting Christians has surfaced in 2019. This music video is made for her song “You Need to Calm Down,” which was released in 2019, and it is about those who identify as LGBT and others who oppose them, including those who disagree with their lifestyles for religious reasons.

protestors are shown in the music video holding banners that contain statements such as “Adam and Eve are not Adam and Steve,” “Homosexuality is a sin,” and “Get a Brain Morans.” These protestors are dressed in a vulgar manner, have weird hairstyles, and are missing teeth. They are also seen holding posters that read “Get a Brain Morans.”

The personality of Christian X In reaction to Taylor Swift’s announcement that she will be the recipient of the TIME Person of the Year award for 2023, John Root drew attention to the tape by saying, “Here’s a quick reminder of what Taylor Swift thinks about Christians…”

One user commented on Root’s post, saying, “I used to listen to her and many other pop artists just like my peers in school.” Root’s post was received by a number of people. A reality check was provided to me for the very first time by that video, and it opened my eyes to the fact that the worldwide community despises Christians. Even my younger self, who was only 12 years old, was so upset.

During the time that the song was being published, Taylor Swift provided an explanation of its significance by stating, “I’ve seen a lot of different people in our society who just put so much energy and effort into negativity, and it just made me feel like, ‘You need to just calm down.'” That is, you are causing yourself a lot of stress. At this point, it looks as though it is more about you than it is about what you are ranting about. Just try to relax for a moment.'”

This song was published by Swift at the same time that she made her public statement in support of the “Equality Act,” which is a measure that was introduced in 2019 to modify the Civil Rights Act. “It is a shame on Taylor Swift for using her platform to try to push the socialist left’s so-called Equality Act, which has nothing to do with equality, but is about pushing the LGBTQ agenda down the throats of the American people,” said Reverend Franklin Graham, a well-known evangelist, in response to Swift’s support for the piece of legislation and the music video.

Rev. Graham continued by saying, “Last night, at the MTV Awards, she did a pitch for the Equality Act while she was receiving an award for her LGBTQ pride-themed music video.” Within the annals of our nation’s history, this law represents the most devastating danger to the freedom of religion. I added my support to a letter that was sent to the leaders of Congress, urging them to vote against the Equality Act. I strongly encourage all Christians to get in touch with their senatorial representatives and request that they vote against this potentially harmful bill, which has already been approved by the House of Representatives. This situation is much too important for Christians to do nothing about it. Not only would this law make it possible for perverse men to enter women’s private areas, such as changing rooms and toilets, but it would also make it possible for biological males to take control of girls’ and women’s sporting events. This measure will further ruin the lives of women and girls. In other words, it is about attempting to coerce those of us who do not agree to embrace and approve of the LGBTQ lifestyle, and I am not going to accept that.

Take a look at the clip of the music video that is pertinent here:

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